Dashboard Quick Start Guide
First, sign into the dashboard at https://iot.rivercityinnovations.ca/login
The dashboard has 3 different states/views - Default, Location and Device.
Each of these views will show different widgets and information. By clicking on a location or a device, you will be taken to the respective dashboard for that location or device.
Beside each location, there is an automated reporting button that will allow you to turn on automated reporting, set the report frequency (weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly), as well as set a destination email to receive the reports. (Note that only administrators have access to set these parameters - as with any other parameters with respect to locations or devices).
On any of the device widgets within the location dashboard (gateways/sensors) there is a pencil icon to the right-hand side of the device information.
Clicking this will allow you to edit the device name, toggle alarms, and set high and low thresholds for temperature and humidity*. For gateways, only the name and alarm toggle can be changed.
the edit pencil on the contact widgets will allow you to remove and toggle
alert notifications. (When toggled off alarms will still be generated but you
will not be notified via that contact number/email).
There are a couple of ways to export data for the devices. Clicking the export button on a widget will export the data on a specific widget.
On the location dashboard, clicking the button will email you a copy of the data for each device at that given location to the email you are currently logged in with. This will save some time exporting temperature/humidity data if you have many devices at a location. A form will allow you to select the date range and choose between a PDF or Excel file. Note that the date range will export from midnight (12:00am) on the first day selected, to 11:59pm on the last day selected for a full capture of device data.
On the default dashboard, clicking the icon will bring up a window to set up
automatic reporting. Automatic reports can be scheduled to be sent out daily,
weekly, semi-monthly or monthly, and are available in either PDF or Excel
As previously mentioned, you can change the thresholds for temperature & humidity. Changing this will also change the settings on the actual device itself – not just in the dashboard software. You can also change the reporting interval in the device specific dashboard. (See screenshot below). When you update any one of these attributes, the card widget below will display 1 of 3 messages – Failure, Pending, or Successful.
If a failure message occurs, please remove the attribute, and try again. When a pending message occurs,
on the next uplink from the device, the new settings will be configured into it. If the card displays “Successful” the device has correctly updated its settings. If a failure message occurs, please try again.